January 2014
- Organized a special activity filled with games, presents, food, and fun for the children of the Poomwaet Boy’s Reception Home on National Children’s Day.
- Joined with Chulalongkorn Hospital to organize games and activities for terminally ill children and orphans from the Chulalongkorn Hospital Foundation. Donated sponsored toys, arts and crafts materials, and disposable diapers and bed pads.
- Joined a musical therapy performance for patients at the Thai Veteran’s Hospital in honor of National Thai Veteran’s Day; bringing joy and encouragement and distributing gifts and other needed items to permanent residents of the hospital.

February - March 2014
- Donated rice, dried and canned goods, household and other necessities, and conducted fun motivational activities and games for the hill tribe children at an orphanage in Mae Sod district, Tak Province
- Was joined by Starbucks partners in mentoring and teaching life skills to the children of the Bahn Tung Mahamek Orphanage; organized motivational activities, taught life-skills and the value of teamwork.
- Organized the “พี่ดีใจน้องได้อ่าน” (Sponsor a Book) program for the BahnPoomWaet Boys Home as an initiative to help provide good quality books in Thai and English and to help promote love of reading. The books were presented along with a fun activity that included arts and crafts, games, storytelling, and snacks.
- Children of iCare Thailand Foundation staff visited the Royal Thai Police Hospital and went room to room bringing smiles and encouragement to patients and staff alike.

April - May 2014
- Visited with residents of Baan Joseph Home for Senior Citizens in Khonkaen province; delivered donated adult diapers.
- Conducted a relief project at the New Vision Orphanage in Chiang Rai Province, which was badly affected by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake; donated more than 100,000 baht worth of sponsored food and necessities.
- Delivered bags of emergency relief supplies for families and residents of Dong Mada municipal district who were directly affected by the impact of the earthquake.
- Assisted in a youth program organized by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board by conducting their English camp.
- Helped organize a special day of activities at Bahn Tung Mahamek Orphanage including group games, arts and crafts focusing on saving the environment, a special appearance by three national league pro-footballers who gave motivational talks and helped conduct sports activities and football training sessions.
- Organized fun educational activities and donated food and other needed items to the KaenTohng Children’s Orphanage in KhonKaen Province.

June 2014
- Delivered 5 heat-resistant fiber water tanks, 2000 liters each, to Jommokkaew Kindergarten and Chumchon Senjomba School, which were affected by the Chiangrai earthquake of May 2014.
- Organized an “Afternoon of Hope” with the patients and staff at the National Cancer Institute in Bangkok with a lively music therapy program to relieve stress and bring happiness and comfort; delivered gifts and donated items to patients.
- Launched a weekly Football Focus Workshop at BahnPoomwaet Home for Boys.
- Participated in a camp held in Kao Yai National Park for youth from the Narathiwat, Pattani, and Yala provinces of the far south. Promoted environmental causes, unity and understanding in cultural diversity, and the value of heritage.

July - August 2014
- Visited the children’s ward for terminally ill patients at Chulalongkorn Hospital; donated 25 boxes of sponsored powdered milk.
- Aided in the distribution of 42 bunk beds (82 beds) with complete sets of bedding for the students of the Musso, Lahu and Wahill tribes who are residents at the Doi Weeangpah Pitaya School in the Wiangpahpao District outside Chiang Rai Province; donated 20 large cupboards, and 84 large containers for the children’s personal belongings, as well as 600 kg of powdered milk and other goods and necessities; organized English activities, fun games, and snacks for all.
- Hosted a large scale project at the Wat Srakaew Orphanage in Ahngtong Province; raised sponsorship for two full university scholarships inclusive of room, board, and allowance, as well as a donation to the orphanage for the education and care of the children and extra incentive gifts for the top 100 students; provided lunch for all 1,600 students; donated 500 kg of milk powder, new school uniforms, and other needed items; organized a fun activity with special musical performances and games for all.
- Visited with senior citizens at the Kao Boh Kaew Home for Senior Citizens in Nakhonsawan Province; delivered donated adult diapers.
- Donated powdered milk to the BahnSaeng Sawan Orphanage in Nakhonsawan Province; organized a fun motivational activity with life skills and English training for the children.
- Took part in a cultural performance for a local festival to boost the economy and promote tourism in Mae Hong Son Province.
- Participated in CSR project with BAM to donate 5 wheelchairs and other hospital equipment and supplies to the Srinakarin Hospital in Khonkaen Province; performed a lively musical therapy performance and visited all bed-ridden patients with gift bags and encouragement.
- Two iCare Thailand Foundation volunteers travelled to Mae Sod District in Tak Province to take up semi-permanent positions teaching the hill tribe children from poor families, as well as at the Border Police School for ethnic minorities.
- Performed a special show in honor of Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand for National Thai Mother’s Day at The Royal Plaza, SuanAmporn.
September - October 2014
- Delivered care packages and gifts to 150 elderly residents of the Bahn Pak Kon Chara Ying (Senior Citizens Home) in Pathumthani Province.
- Provided additional funding for scholarship recipients at Wat SraKaew Orphanage, Ahng Thong Province; conducted initial candidate screening and selections for the next round of scholarships in 2015.
- Sent a team of 15 volunteers to deliver 1.2 tons of aid and relief supplies to underprivileged families and children of ethnic minority groups in the border areas of Tak Province; provided boxes of clothing, blankets and sheets, cases of canned and dried foods, hygiene items, shampoo, toys, books, shoes, toothpaste, etc.
- Organized and distributed supplies to the Thoomwehkee Learning Center for orphans in Umphang District, Tak Province; sponsored the building of a brand new block of 4 toilets for the school; presented donated items such as shampoo, soap, bed sheets, school supplies, sports equipment, milk powder, etc.
- Joined the Government Public Relations Department for a “Music in the Park” campaign to promote the happiness and well-being of the Thai people.

November 2014
- Participated in an activity at the Central Women’s Correctional Institution to bring hope and encouragement to the female prisoners that although they cannot undo the past, they can have a good ending.
- Relief project visiting three impoverished schools in the Mae Sot and Umphang Districts of Tak Province to distribute 4 tons of aid and supplies such as blankets, sheets, towels, and other household items and necessities.
- Set up and assembled 10 kitchens in the dormitories for the resident students of the Doi Wiengpah Wittaya School on the outskirts of Chiangrai Province.
- Arranged a birthday party for the orphans at Bahn Poomwaet Orphanage, with fun games, activities, music, and sponsored gifts.

December 2014
- Performed 3 special concerts in honor of His Majesty the King’s Birthday at Sanam Luang and Rama 9 Park.
- Visited the patients at the National Cancer Institute and performed a musical show to bring comfort and cheer to the patients and staff.
- Coordinated with the American Women’s Club to begin a self-development course through an English program at the Baan Kredtrakarn Protection and Occupational Development Center for Women which aims to help prepare them for an easier integration back into society.
- Participated in a follow-up visit to encourage femaie prisoners at the Central Women’s Correctional Institution.
- Organized a Christmas relief trip to distribute toys to 700 children from the hill tribes in Chiangrai Province; conducted fun games and activities to bring joy and happiness to the orphans for Christmas.
- Joined with like-minded friends and sponsors to bring the joy of Christmas to recovering addicts rehabilitating at the Thanyarak Hospital in Pathumthani; did a special Christmas performance, distributed gifts, and spent time encouraging and speaking personally with patients.